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Танец с Драконами. Спойлеры

Автор dvnd, 17 марта 2008, 03:34

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Леди Боли

Выложи пожалуйста сюда или в личку. Под спойлер конечно сюда. Я узнать не успела.


Ладно, поскольку кроме Леди Боли никто не высказался, я напишу сюда и буду искренне надеяться, что те люди, которые не хотят знать всю интригу заранее, в эту тему не заглядывают.

достигает своей цели и встречается с Детьми Леса. Жойен тяжело болеет и подавлен, но все еще жив. Трехглазая Ворона - это Лорд Бладрейвен. Кто такой Холодные Ручки, так и не раскрывается. Трехглазая Ворона соединен с корнями чардеревьев, это поддерживает в нем жизнь. Бран начинает тренироваться, чтобы стать таким же, как Трехглазая Ворона.


Вот чего я всегда боялся это момента когда у Мартина начнет развиваться фантастическая составляющая.


Мартин решив не выбирать кем же из двух самых вероятных кандидатов, окажется
Холодные Руки
видимо выбрал оба варианта )))).

Леди Боли

Вот это да! Этого типа в роли Три глаза не подозревала даже.
Вот оно то дерево, котрое пахло смертью.



Помнится Блэквуды староверы, да?
" - Да, братан Горацио, типа, есть на свете вещи, в которых не шарят наши муд...рецы, блин!", - тихо произнес Ранд глядя на стену коридора, на нацарапанную, вероятно копытом, кровавую надпись "Здесь была Бела!". Теперь он знал, что случилось с Асмодианом...

Леди Боли

У них на гребе дерево с воронами. Староверы вряд ли- в Речных землях все Семипоклонники


А, всё нашел! Действительно, Блэквуды староверы.
" - Да, братан Горацио, типа, есть на свете вещи, в которых не шарят наши муд...рецы, блин!", - тихо произнес Ранд глядя на стену коридора, на нацарапанную, вероятно копытом, кровавую надпись "Здесь была Бела!". Теперь он знал, что случилось с Асмодианом...


Цитата: godar от 30 июня 2011, 21:07Вот чего я всегда боялся это момента когда у Мартина начнет развиваться фантастическая составляющая.
я ж говорил про старперов из Летнего Замка,а все токо смеялись  :2funny:. немного осталось :uglystupid2: :uglystupid2:Вот как вынырнут обещанный принц Стрекоз сотоварищи



Цитата: Вл от 30 июня 2011, 22:07
я ж говорил про старперов из Летнего Замка,а все токо смеялись  :2funny:. немного осталось :uglystupid2: :uglystupid2:Вот как вынырнут обещанный принц Стрекоз сотоварищи
Теперь словосочетание "старый пенек" можно будет употреблять в прямом смысле :2funny:
" - Да, братан Горацио, типа, есть на свете вещи, в которых не шарят наши муд...рецы, блин!", - тихо произнес Ранд глядя на стену коридора, на нацарапанную, вероятно копытом, кровавую надпись "Здесь была Бела!". Теперь он знал, что случилось с Асмодианом...


Еще всякое разное. Текста очень много, время позднее, поэтому пока что без перевода:

Во-первых, некая добрая душа под ником Stefan пишет свои впечатления после прочтения каждой главы в комментариях на towerofthehand.com (см. тут: http://www.towerofthehand.com/books/105/056/discuss.html; на данный момент последний комментарий был дан на главу 56). Привожу избранное:

13. We're in the realms of Fantasy now. Bran not only has to fight wights in ambush, he then meets a child of the forest, follows it down into a secret cave in which Coldhans cannot follow and there meets a...thing, presumably the best of all wargs, a grotesque creature grown inside its own weirwood throne. Everything from its description screams one name: Bloodraven! And he says he has been watching with "A Thousand Eyes, and One". Hell of a cliffhanger here, and I'm really excited to see what happens next.

28. O-h m-y g-o-d. I was always a strong advocat for "Davos is dead as Manderly reported". There seemed no real chance for him, and he craven. But this turns everything around. I totally forgot about Rickon. God damn it, I love the North. All hail Winterfell. All hail their king. Godspeed, Davos. Go to Skagos.
Рикон на Скагосе. Поздравляю форумчан с верной догадкой.  :)

43. Oh good lord, another crackpot theory made possible. Did I say that I hate them? So, King Aerys obviously wanted to fuck Joanna Lannister. Perhaps he DID father Tyrion after all. Hey, what's another Targaryen turning up suddenly, where there are so many? Dany and Viserys, the last Targaryens, my ass.
Besides that, nice chapter. Quentyn finally can present himself, very uncomfortably, and his offer is regarded as the joke it is under the present circumstances. Poor guy, nobody could have known that ruling Meereen would be such a mess. I wonder if Dany will loose a second husband soon...
(хех, а я говорила, что там, возможно, дело нечисто  :laugh:)

44. I always presumed that Arya was way ahead in the timeline after AFFC, after all the months that were mentioned having passed. But there we are, at two thirds of ADWD, joining her again. Really well told chapter: we see perfectly how she gains some assassin skills by being blind, of which we now know that it was no punishment but part of the training and not permanent besides; big relief. It is really interesting, though, that Arya develops more and more Warg skills. Not only is she Nymeria every night, who is a continent away, but she begins to see through other beasts as well and uses these talents in a way that even surprise the kind man, which was especially satisfying.

48. Jaime is back. So, we are definitely behind AFFC now. He makes an easy defeat of the Blackwood-Bracken thing and takes hostages. It's impressive how good he is at governing; he would be a splendid advisor and second-in-command for anyone. Pity no one wants to have him. It's difficult to write this down looking at the last half page. Brienne is back, and she tells him a stupid tale of having found Sansa. When Jaime follows her, he is dead meat.
МАМА!!! Джейме, не надо.

49. Heeeeello Jon. Melisandre is staging a wedding, and GRRM manages to keep us THREE FUCKING PAGES in the loop about who weds. Mel sings, prays, everyone blatters around, it's cold, but after three pages finally Alys Karstark and the new Magnar of Thenn marry. We learn that her uncle, the traitor, has turned up. Jon intercepted him, denying him bread and salt (a dry Walder-heh for him here) and confining him to the ice cells. Again, great ruling by Jon here, love what he is doing. The chapter ends with horn blows. You count as excited as the black brothers. One blow. Rangers. Two blows. No one even thinks wildlings, all wait for the third. But no others yet. Tormund and Val, it seems.

52. Daenerys is in the fighting pits. The old gladiator combats of Rome must have been like that, bloody, ugly, cruel. Dany is sick about it fast, and only by chance and without knowing it she rescues Tyrion from certain death. The chapter is typical to this point - barbarism everywhere, Dany repulsed, she tries to do something, like we have seen her do several times now. But then, suddenly, Drogon comes back and makes a slaughter in the middle of the arena. Dany jumps to him, fights him, tames him, flies him - a cliffhanger if there ever was one. Go, Dany, go forth and burn your enemies!

53. Ah Cersei chapter. That's a surprise, I hadn't expected one. Obviously, she hasn't changed. She puts a mummer's farce before the High Septon about confessing, and he believes her, the fool. Kevan comes to her and brings tidings of mercenaries landing in the Storm Lands. They think it's Stannis, but it reeks about the Golden Company and Aegon. But why there and not Dorne? Damn those fickle reports. Since Arys died, Zombie-Gregor can now be made a kingsguard, which is exactly what Cersei wants. Let's see how that works out.
Oh, and there are reports that Jaime has left with Brienne, taking no one with him. Great.

И еще отсюда: http://boards.4chan.org/lit/res/1884011 (смотреть в конце):

Человек только что прочитал книгу: what can I say? I'm a bit disappointed that the book was only building up. Sure you need that too but after A Feast for Crows I was hoping for a more exciting book. my favorites chapters were probably Bran's and Davo's. too bad they only had like 3. I'm most disappointed with Tyrion's chapter because it's the first time that they really bored me. Same with Danys

>So, it sounds like neither Dany nor the Others have invaded Westeros by the end of this book. Is that true? Is Dany at least getting ready to go to Westeros?
Yes they have not. And Dany isn't getting ready either though her Dragons seems now big enough to fight but she's has still massive problems in Meereen
plus she's now lost in the Dothraki Sea alone but in her last scene she mets a Kahl. I don't expect her to invade Westeros before the last book

>Does Stannis really die attacking Winterfell?
Bolton says that but we have no proof.

>Also, does Roose condone it, or he equally disgusted with Ramsay?
he seems to tolerated it. But he doesn't like Ramsay and only put up with him because he's the only heir he has although he knows that Ramsay killed his other son

>What do we learn about Melisandre? I don't think anyone's posted anything about her chapters yet.
because she only has one chapter. She basically trying to win Jon over by giving him predictions and we get a little insight of her. I liked that she thinks of the Seaworth family and took Davos son away from Stannis so that he's away from danger because Davos family already suffered enough loses.

>What happens to Cersei?
Nothing much. She gets stripped and humiliated though but she's ok now that her new Knight has come to her - Ser Robert Strong
probably the thing that Qyburn was working on. And he's in the Kingsguard now to fight for Cersei and is entirely devoted to her
He is full covered in armor and doesn't speak.... Cersei describes him as a giant
No Trial yet but she already elected Ser Robert as her champion. BUT her Uncle said that even if she wins she's done for and can't be Queen anymore
also everyone is suspicions of Ser Robert. He doesn't eat, never takes his armor off, nobody heard of him ever, doesn't go the toilet, etc.
(вот и ГреГолем)

as many probably already know Theon went insane
He became Boltons toy but he slowly gets sane again, very slowly.
also Jeyne Poole is back as Arya and marries Bolton on Wintefell. Theon needed to lick her cunt(probably even more) to make her wet enough for Bolton. And it gets hinted that Jeyne needed to fuck a dog
in the end Theon and Jeyne are fleeing together to Stannis where they meet Asha

Margaery seems to be with Tommen. There isn't a scene with neither them or Loras.

Jorah became hobo (бродяга) and kidnaps Tyrion to regain Danys favor. Nothing much happens between them. Jorah hates Tyrion though
later they both became slaves for a short time until they flee
also it seems Martin gave Tyrion a love interest. And she is a dwarf too.

Еще где-то там же я читала, что Мелисандра может управлять Призраком, Аша станет заложницей Станниса, Дени переспит с Даарио, но найти цитаты сейчас не могу.

Леди Боли

Еще пожалуйста.
Начсчет 43 думаю это и есть фейк.
По ссылке на TOH нет ничего. Все убрали как видно.


Странно, что ссылка на ТОН перестала работать. Но оттуда ничего не убрали; можно вот так:
http://www.towerofthehand.com/books/105/index.html - жать любую главу до 62 и далее в левом углу - "Discuss this chapter". Наслаждаться комментариями.

donna Elza

Люди добрые!!!
А как же нам, в англицком языке неграмотным?! Не дразнитесь, переведите, большой плииииииз!!!